The Gospel Project At Home provides families with resources to engage in family discipleship that align with what preschoolers and kids are learning at church each week.
March 2 - Crossing the Jordan River
March 9 - Conquering Jericho
March 16 - Achan's Sin and the Defeat of Ai
March 23 - Taking the Land
March 30 - Joshua's Farewell
April 6 - The First Judges
April 13 - Deborah Led Israel
April 20 - Gideon Led Israel
*Easter Bonus - Session 1
*Easter Bonus - Session 2
April 27 - Samson and the Philistines
May 4 - The Story of Ruth
May 11 - Samuel was Born and Called
May 18 - The Ark Was Captured
May 25 - Freedom from the Philistines