At Calvary, we want to help parents be the primary disciple-makers of their kids. Here, you'll find a growing list of resources to help you point your kids to Jesus!
At Home Discipleship
The Gospel Project is the through-the-Bible curriculum we use every Sunday and Wednesday. The Gospel Project at Home is an online-course style resource designed for family discipleship at home. Use this tool to reinforce what your kids are learning at church each week.
You're Not Alone
Join a group of ladies as we study the book of Colossians, growing deeper in Christ and receiving teaching and encouragement from God's Word. Sign Up
Are you looking for a group of men to come together and grow in your faith? If so, then you're invited to join our men's group! We meet every week to read the Bible, pray, and encourage each other in our walk with Jesus! Come out and experience the power of community around a bonfire. Sign Up
Books We Like
For parents:
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
Shepherding a Child's Heart is written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life.
- Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham
Family Driven Faith equips Christian parents with the tools they need to raise children biblically in a post-Christian, antifamily society.
- God's Design for Sex Series by Stan & Brenna Jones
The God's Design for Sex Series helps parents establish a biblical view of sexuality in the home.
- The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality by Luke Gilkerson
The Talk is a series of 7 studies, all anchored in the Scriptures, that helps parents to talk meaningfully with children about sexuality.
- Tech Wise Family by Andy Crouch
Alongside in-depth research from Barna Group that shows how families are wrestling with technology's new realities, Andy Crouch takes parents beyond the typical questions of what, where, and when to show us that in a world full of devices, there's a way to choose a better life than we've imagined.
- The Bible's Answers to 100 of Life's Biggest Questions by Norman L Geisler and Jason Jimenez
Every believer has questions about God, the Bible, Jesus, and the purpose and meaning of life. The vexing problem is that so few believers are able to answer even the most basic ones. Without answers, doubt creeps in and the future of the church is in jeopardy.
For kids:
- What is a Christian? Answers for Kids by Lifeway Kids
What is a Christian? is an eight-week activity book for kids that helps them answer questions about becoming a Christian.
- I’m a Christian Now! (younger kids) by Lifeway Kids
I'm a Christian Now: Younger Kids Activity Book is revised to include a parent-friendly focus. This eight-week activity book helps kids know more of spiritual disciplines and the next steps of going deeper in discipleship.
- I’m a Christian Now! (older kids) by Lifeway Kids
I'm a Christian Now: Older Kids Activity Book is revised to include a parent-friendly focus. This eight-week activity book helps kids know more of spiritual disciplines and the next steps of going deeper in discipleship.
Video Library
Raising Your Kids to Defend Their Faith
video series with Natasha Crain