Calvary Chapel South + CarePortal
Calvary Chapel South has partnered with CarePortal to meet real needs in our local community. CarePortal connects churches with families facing crisis, providing practical support and opportunities to share the love of Christ. We are excited about how God is already working through this partnership and look forward to seeing Him move in even greater ways.
What is CarePortal?
CarePortal is a technology platform that connects vulnerable children and families to people who have something to give. Social workers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond. After a decade of caring for orphans around the world, The Global Orphan Project (GO Project) created CarePortal in 2015 as a tool to mobilize U.S. churches to care for foster children and vulnerable families in their own backyards.

If you have further questions concerning CarePortal, simply click the button below and get in touch with John!