Jeff Simunds: "LGBTQ-How Should We Respond?"

3 Sessions-Wednesday Nights
Wednesday, July 17, 24, 31 | 6:30PM – 8PM
Free Event | Children's Ministry Provided
LGBTQ-How Should We Respond
If someone told you they were born gay, how would you respond? If someone told you they’re a man in a woman’s body, what would you say? If someone said that if you go back to the Hebrew and Greek, the Bible doesn’t address monogamous, loving relationships, how would you reply? To understand these questions and many more Jeff Simunds will be giving a seminar on “LGBTQ – How Should We Respond?” at Calvary Chapel South. This seminar is great for strugglers, parents, pastors, counselors and anyone who wants to be more equipped in understanding this and how to love people well and in a Biblically appropriate way.
About Jeff Simunds
Jeff is the founder and Executive Director of Tower of Light Ministries. After having spent time in counseling and group working through many of the issues in his past, Jeff now has a heart for others struggling with sexual and relational brokenness and counts it an honor to walk with them in their pursuit of holiness and wholeness.
Jeff is single and enjoys a life full of friendships, ministry and adventure. After pursuing degrees in Chemistry, Computer Science and an MBA in Finance and International Business, he worked in mid-management for a large company before taking a break from life and traveling the world for 5 years. Jeff has a passion for travel and has been to 104+ countries and continues to travel whenever time, finances, and opportunities allow. Jeff also has a passion for missions. He was the President of the American Friendship Foundation for 5 years, an international humanitarian organization that uses highly-skilled American development workers to meet the needs and concerns of the poor. He’s been a missions director, led a young adults ministry, and oversaw the planting of 2 churches for a large church in Seattle. He has taught on sexuality at a number of Youth With A Mission counseling schools around the world which has combined his love for helping those struggling with sexual and relational brokenness, missions, and travel.