This year we will rally together as men early on Saturday mornings for food, bible study, worship, prayer, and fellowship.
Breakfast: 7AM
Worship/Bible Study: 7:30AM
Come and find out how good it is to wake up early and seek God together as brothers! God wants to shape your heart and mold you into the man He created you to be. Join us on Saturday and allow our time together to challenge and encourage you in your walk with God.
If you'd like to help cook breakfast contact Gerrit: gerrit@ccskent.org or 253.355.5066
Calvary Chapel South
1340 West Smith Street
Kent, WA 98032
Why so early? Well, there are a few reasons... Getting up early on a Saturday is a sacrifice, we believe God will bless that! Also, it allows us to wrap up in time for those who would like to attend the weekly hour of prayer at 8AM. Finally, it's early enough for guys to get back to their families at a good time, hopefully encouraged to be a godly husband/father/brother/son.